This text provides practical skills for use by mental health clinicians working with survivors of child abuse and neglect, and other forms of complex traumatisation.
Since the conceptualisation of Complex PTSD, a range of clinically effective treatments for some of our most challenged and challenging clients has emerged. There is a paradigm shift in treatment occurring, and with that a need for all treatment providers to understand when cognitive behavioural interventions for the traumatised are indicated, and when other, more experiential, but still empirically-validated, approaches are required. There is more hope for our traumatised clients than ever before, and this text will equip mental health clinicians with immediately practical evidenced based skills to treat their clients who have survived complex traumatisation.
This book contains 15
chapters and 499 pages. It was first published in October 2018 + revised and reprinted in July 2022. Book size is 232mm x 152mm.
Retail Price: $150 (including GST) Australian Dollars. Purchase this direct from Talomin Books for $127.50 (including GST) Australian Dollars. Delivery fee applies.
Topics include:
• The concepts of
Complex PTSD v/s PTSD, attachment disorders, and personality disorders. What’s
the difference/relationship?
• Phased-based
versus unimodal treatment for complex trauma - the best practice controversy and guidelines
• Building and
maintaining the therapeutic relationship, including maintaining compassionate
boundaries and managing therapy disruptions and termination
• Using the
therapeutic relationship to promote emotion regulation
• Understanding
attachment re-enactment and betrayal trauma in order to work with challenging
behaviours, including: ‘splitting’ between care providers; idolising/demonising
the therapist; constant new crises; reduced motivation; external locus of
• Practical
therapeutic techniques (including exposure interventions and experiential
tools) drawn from: Attachment-based treatment; Emotion Focused Therapy;
Dialectical Behaviour Therapy;
Metacognitive and Mentalisation Therapies; Schema Therapy; Acceptance
and Commitment Therapy and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy to help clients
presenting with complex trauma symptomatology, including flashbacks, numbing
and dissociation, emotional ‘hurricanes’, somatisation, self-hate, self-harming
and suicidal acts, dysfunctional
relationships and substance abuse
• Managing and
reducing vicarious trauma in the therapist
The table of contents is as follows:
Chapter 1. Complex Trauma. History
and Concepts
Chapter 2. Impact of complex trauma upon survivors
Chapter 3. Assessment of complex trauma
Chapter 4. Overview of treatment
Chapter 6. Establishing and maintaining the therapeutic relationship
Chapter 7. Bypassing therapy blocks
Chapter 8. Establishing safety and protecting the next generation
Chapter 9. Managing problem behaviours
Chapter 10. Treating attachment pathology
Chapter 11. Challenging the inner tormentors
Chapter 12. Finding the wise self: Fostering metacognitive capacity
Chapter 13. Relational skills training
Chapter 14. Phase Two of Treatment: Processing traumatic memories
Chapter 15. Self-care for trauma clinicians
Note: The following
manual completes the above text by providing clinician resources and handouts
for distribution to clients.
Giarratano, L (2018) Managing
Psychological Trauma: Clinician and Client Resources for the Clinical Skills
Series, Talomin Books, Sydney, Australia, ISBN 9781920902049
If you wish to contact Leah Giarratano, please send a detailed enquiry to her assistant using the contact form on this site
Clinical Skills for Managing Complex Traumatisation [Revised July 2022] by Leah Giarratano, ISBN 9781920902100 (Softcover)
- Brand: talominbooks
- Product Code: 15
- Availability: In Stock
- $AUD 150.00
$AUD 127.50
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