This text instructs in practical, effective management
skills for use by mental health clinicians working with traumatised adolescent
Written by a clinician with more than two decades of clinical and teaching experience exclusively in the field of traumatic stress, this text instructs in practical, effective management skills for use by mental health clinicians working with traumatised adolescent clients. With a cognitive behavioural foundation, this book also presents theory and techniques derived from other psychotherapeutic perspectives found to be effective in the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder for this population. Clear summaries of contemporary theory and research in the field of traumatic stress are presented, along with numerous case studies demonstrating how to implement the dozens of treatment techniques covered.
About the author Leah Giarratano
This book contains 13 chapters and 392 pages. It was first published in 2004 and reprinted in 2006, 2008, 2010 and 2014. The current edition was revised in 2018. Book size is 210mm x 150mm.
Topics include:
- Posttraumatic stress disorder in adolescents (includes common comorbid conditions; the concepts of complex PTSD; limbic kindling; efficacy of treatment of PTSD in adolescents)
- An introduction to the neurodevelopmental impact of trauma
- Psychoeducation for traumatised adolescents
- Treatment models and maps
- Treating hyperarousal: Regaining physiological control (Dozens of techniques for reducing hyperarousal, including breathing control strategies, grounding and distraction exercises, relaxation and self-hypnosis exercises, visual imagery and isometrics)
- Invivo exposure therapy: Reducing avoidance behaviours
- Exposure therapy for traumatic memories: Reducing re-experiencing symptoms (including targeting nightmares and psychogenic numbing)
- Anger management for traumatised adolescents
- Cognitive restructuring for PTSD
- Self-care for trauma clinicians
- An introduction to the personality disorders
The table of contents is as
Chapter 1: PTSD in adolescents
Chapter 2: Symptoms of PTSD
Chapter 3: Epidemiology of PTSD
Chapter 4: Assessment of adolescent PTSD
Chapter 5: Associated features of PTSD
Chapter 6: Providing psychoeducation
Chapter 7: Treatment frameworks: A cognitive behavioural approach
Chapter 8: Arousal reduction
Chapter 9: In vivo exposure therapy
Chapter 10: Exposure therapy for
traumatic memories
Chapter 11: Cognitive therapy for PTSD
Chapter 12: Neurodevelopmental impact of trauma
Chapter 13: Personality disorders: An introduction
Note: The following manual completes the above text by providing clinician resources and handouts for distribution to clients. It also includes case plans and answers to the questions posed throughout the text.
Giarratano, L (2018) Managing Psychological Trauma: Clinician and Client Resources for the Clinical Skills Series, Talomin Books, Sydney, Australia, ISBN 9781920902049
If you wish to contact Leah Giarratano, please send a detailed enquiry to her assistant using the contact form on this site
Clinical Skills for Treating Traumatised Adolescents: Evidence Based Treatment for PTSD [Revised 2018] by Leah Giarratano, ISBN 9781920902032 (Softcover)
- Brand: talominbooks
- Product Code: 3
- Availability: In Stock
- $AUD 99.00
$AUD 84.15
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